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Money Transfer Job Scams: June 2005 (, etc.)

Other job offer scams:

"" is a fraud (registered: 2005-06-27)

This is a money transfer scam targetting German speakers. The email was rather clumsily translated into German by a non-native speaker from an English version which in turn is based on a "work from home" text found here (a probably unrelated website).

Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 12:22:55 +0700
From: "Yann Hoffmann" <fakeemailaddress>
To: <emailaddress>
Subject: Sind Sie bereit, Ihr Einkommen zu erhohen? Sicherheit Zeichen:UL-3452

Lieber Freund,
Wenn Sie mehr Geld, mehr Sicherheit und mehr Freiheit haben mochten, dann
kann das der wichtigste Brief fur Sie sein, den Sie in Ihrem Leben gelesen
Hier sind die Grunde dazu:
Sie werden erfahren, wie ich habe... wie Sie werden... das in Wirklichkeit
bringen, "mit Ihrem PC zu arbeiten und die Bezahlung fur einen vollen
Arbeitstag erhalten".
Was noch wichtiger ist, dass Sie einfach damit anfangen konnen, ohne jedes
Risiko und Investionen von Ihrer Seite im Voraus.
Jetzt, weiss ich, dass Sie skeptisch gesinnt sind. Das ist in Ordnung und
ganz typisch. Lassen Sie mich Ihnen drei Grunde vorlegen, warum Sie diesen
Business ohne zu zogern beginnen sollen.

Drei Grunde, daran zu glauben, was ich sage

Erstens, Ich bin NICHT im Begriff Ihnen zu versprechen, dass Sie dreissig
tausend USD in den nachsten 90 Tagen oder $500 pro Tag ab nachster Woche
verdienen werden. Das ist absolut ubertrieben. Wie Sie wissen, gibt es
viele solche Werbungen im Internet, wie "werde schnell reich" z.B. Das ist
Unsinn. Was wichtig fur Sie zu begreifen ist, dass es unter viel Mull nur
wenig Edelsteine gibt.
Zweitens, Zehntausende von gewohnlichen Menschen aus aller Welt ziehen
schon Vorteile aus dem Programm "der Arbeit zu Hause" und bekommen ihre
wochentlichen Lohne (Schecke) - insgesamt fast 6 Millionen Dollar im vorigen
Drittens, USA TODAY teilte vor Kurzem mit, mehr als 170 000 neue Leute
bekamen Internetanschluss pro Tag. Viele kluge Geschaftsleute werden reich
mit Hilfe vom Internet. Und das ist erst der Anfang! Mit unserem System
konnen Sie Ihr Geld ohne besondere Bemuhungen bekommen!

Das ist die Liste der Vorteile, die Sie ziehen konnen

Das vollendete, einfache im Gebrauch System, das Sie einfach "einschalten",
um Extrabucks zu bekommen.
Der Hausbusiness wurde von beschaftigten Leuten geschaffen - nur 3-5
Stunden pro Woche und Sie werden Ihre Bezahlung fur den vollen Arbeitstag in
Ihrer Tasche bestimmt haben.
Diese Arbeit stort Ihre laufende Arbeit, Ihren Beruf oder Ihre Karriere
nicht - Sie wahlen die Zeit fur die Arbeit im Internet.
Sie schafft "mache das einmal, wirst mit Geld fur dein ganzes Leben
versorgt sein" und Honorar bekommen Sie ohne das Haus zu verlassen.
Keine Erfahrung brauchen Sie dafur.
Geniessen Sie innige Ruhe, die Sie wahrend der Arbeit mit einer der
erfolgreichsten und bewahrten Industrieorganisationen und mit dem
langfristigen Mitglied von Better Business Bureau.
Sie werden Ihren Business auf einer soliden Basis entwickeln - 14 Jahre der
zuverlassigen und erfahrenen Strategien.
Buchfuhrung, Entlohnungstabelle, Frachtbefordung alles ist fur Sie bei uns
Keine Dienstnehmer sind notig.
Arbeiten Sie nur zu Hause, nur an Ihrem PC.
Unentgeltliche professionelle Beratungen.
Keine Begrenzungen fur mogliche Verdienste!
Keine teure Einrichtung eines Buros wird verlangt!
Riesige potentielle Steuerprofite.
Keine territorielle Begrenzungen!
Das System ist auch perfekt fur Verschaffung der Extragelder fur schon
bestehendes Geschaft.
Das ist eine kurze Liste aller Vorteile, die Sie ziehen konnen. Es kostet
Ihnen nichts darauf einzugehen und es gibt keine Verpflichtungen. Jetzt sind
Sie vielleicht verwundert...

Und wie konnen wir alle diese Dinge tun? Lassen Sie mich erklaren. Dazu
dienen aber nicht meine Worte, sondern die Worte von anderen Leute:
"Wie viele von uns, habe ich vieles probiert. Ich habe endlich das
gefunden, was sich organisatorisch und materiell jeden Tag bewahrt. Ich
konnte kaum glauben, dass das, was ich in den ersten Wochen meiner Arbeit in
meinem Postkasten fand, war nur Abschlagszahlung".
B. Trask
Arizona, die USA

"Die Unterstutzung, die ich erhalten habe, war ausserordentlich gross. Ich
kann nicht glauben, dass so viel Energie aufgewendet wird, damit ich Erfolg

A. Marks
Michigan, die USA

"Nachdem ich viel Zeit, Energie und Ressourcen in Marketing fur einige
fruhere Programme ausgelegt hatte, war ich fur einen so einfachen und
absolut automatischen Prozess, der von De-payments Powerline Systeme
angeboten wurde, nicht vorbereitet. Ich war ebenso durch den allumfassenden
angebotenen Training sehr beeindruckt. Das ist der ins Leben umgesetzte
Traum. Danke Ihnen, De-payments".

"Ich habe Internet 6 jahre benutzt und De-payments ist die beste und
vollendete Moglichkeit unter denen, die ich gesehen habe... alles ist so
einfach und klar, es gibt keine Unklarheiten uberhaupt".

"Ich wurdige die Klarheit und die in der Sektion "Getting Started"
angegeben Ratschlage. Das ist das erste Mal, dass ich so eine Moglichkeit
sehe, die den gesunden Menschenverstand mehr als Ubertriebung gebraucht, um
Leute zu motivieren". L. Rasberry Florida, die USA

"Ich habe in De-payments einen hochwertigen und schnellen Business
gefunden. Das bedeutet schon etwas fur mich – ich will mein eigenes Haus und
einen guten Verdienst haben. De-payments gibt mir solche Moglichkeit!"
Connecticut, die USA

"De-payments ist eine grosse Moglichkeit, finanzielle Unabhangigkeit mit
der guten Arbeitsethik zu erreichen. Verlassliche und professionelle Leute,
tolle Produktion".
A. Cooper
Arizona, die USA

Was ist eingeschlossen?
Wenn Sie unser Team anschliessen, bekommen Sie das volle Instrumentarium
der Trainings und der Unterstutzung von De-payments. Nichts wird dem
Selbstlauf uberlassen. Alles ist vorgesehen.
Unentgeltliche 24-Stunden Beratungen
Jeder De-payments-Mitarbeiter wird von 3 Leaders unterstutzt, die ihn mit
den kostenlosen Konsultationen und Unterstutzung versehen.
Familienbusiness mit Steuer- und Erbeprofite.
Wie man 3-5 Stunden der Arbeit pro Woche in eine Ganztagsarbeitbezahlung
ohne Storung fur laufende Arbeit, Beruf oder Karriere (das ist toll fur
beschaftigte Leute) verwandeln kann.
Wie man Internettechnologie "in 50 Orten gleichzeitig sein" gebrauchen und
den Verdienst drastisch erhohen kann.
Wie man "self-funding" - Marketingtechnik benutzen kann, um alle Werbung
gratis zu machen.
Wie man Minenfelde, Sackgassen und Schwierigkeiten, die 95% Geschaftsmanner
auf ihrem Weg nach dem Beginn ihrer Arbeit im Internet treffen, vermeiden
Wie man Strategieunionen "win/win" grunden kann, so dass deê Erfolg von
Tausenden der anderen Onlinemarketers versichert wird.
Der billigste Weg, das Geld online zu verdienen
Dank Internet sind Ihre Businesskosten minimal. Sie konnen mit Millionen
via E-Mail, Suchmaschinen, Direktorien, kostenlose Berater, etc. Kontakt
aufnehmen. Alles ist frei! Keine door-to-door Verkaufe... Keine Post...
Keinen Druck... Keine Brochuren... Keine Tonbandkassetten... Keine Videos...
Keine Ferngesprache. Unverzugliche Kommunikation – in aller Welt. Sie konnen
viel Geld sparen.
So, konnen Sie sehen, dass alles, was Sie fur den Anfang des zusatlichen
Verdiensts brauchen, ist keine Kosten und Verpflichtungen von Ihrer Seite.
Hier sind andere gute Nachrichten...

Bewerben Sie sich jetzt...
Uberlegen Sie sich jede Zeit!

Das liegt an Ihnen...

Sie konnen sich fur unsere Regional Account Mananger Stelle sofort

Der von uns angebotene Job ist mit Mail verbunden. Das ist ein einfacher
Job, der Sie nicht auffordert, Ihre laufende Arbeit aufzugeben.

Erhalten Sie Scheks und losen Sie sie von unseren Kunden (Wire Transfer,
PayPal Transfer, Uberweisung, Kassierer- oder Persohnliche Schecks) ein und
schicken Sie unseren Vertretern das Geld durch die Western Union (ihre
Honorar betragt 5-10% der erhaltenen Summe).

Wenn Sie versuchen mochten, brauchen Sie das Folgende:

Hausadresse und Telefonnummer
Internetanschluss, 24 Stunden, 7 Tage pro Woche
PC zu Hause
Sie sollen bereit sein, uns eine schriftliche Bestatigung zu geben, damit
wir Informationen uber Sie bekommen.


Fullen Sie es bitte ein und schicken es zu:

1. Ihr Vorname und Name:
2. Land:
3. Alter:
4. Einige Worte uber Sie selbst:

Emails sollen zu gerichtet werden

Mit vielen Grussen

P.S. Wie jeder InternetUser mussen Sie schon viele Systeme "werde schnell
reich" gesehen haben. Vielleicht sind Sie der Tatsache gegenuber skeptisch ,
dass es legale Wege fur den Verdienst aus den Fruchten der
Internetrevolution geben kann. Sowas habe ich auch gefuhlt, bevor ich
De-payments Marketing Group vor einem Jahr fand.

P.P.S. Vielleicht ware es uberflussig, Ihnen zu sagen, dass anstrengende
Arbeit kein Schlussel zum Wohlhaben ist. Wenn es so ware, dann fuhren mehr
Arbeiter ihre BMWs jetzt und Sie bekamen schon Ihre Rente, stimmt es? Das
Problem mit typischem Job besteht darin, dass alles, was Sie tun ist Verkauf
Ihrer Zeit gegen Geld – und dann, wenn sie aufhoren, gibt es auch kein Geld
mehr. Als De-payments Arbeiter werden Sie am System "mache das einmal, wirst
fur das ganze Leben versorgt sein" teilnehmen.
Digitale Unterschrift:

Other versions:

From: "Yann Hoffman" <fakeemailaddress>
To: <emailaddress>
Sent: Thursday, 30 June, 2005 9:59
Subject: Die einzigartige Moglichkeit zum Haben ein angemessenes Gehalt. Sicherheit Zeichen:NT-3742

From: "Yann Hoffman" <fakeemailaddress>
To: <emailaddress>
Sent: Thursday, 30 June, 2005 8:35
Subject: Zugelassene Weise, ein angemessenes Gehalt zu haben. Anti- Spam Schutzcode:IC-7723

"Marketbonds company" is a fraud (,

From: "marketbonds" <emailaddress1>
To: <emailaddress2>
Sent: Thursday, 30 June, 2005 10:20
Subject: You are specified from 200 candidates

Job offer. Good income
Due to our continued growth, we are currently accepting resumes for the
following position: Transfer Manager Background Requirements Successful
candidate must have an idea of bank transfers and money payment systems
operations. Customer service related experience along with good leadership
and organizational skills would be an asset. Ability to work part-time
at least 1-3 hours a day. . No special education is obligatory. . An ideal
candidate should have a background in Western Union or other money transfer
systems operations. . Ability to work with most frequently used e-currency
and e-payment systems (E-gold, PayPal, E-bullion, etc). . Knowledge and
understanding of risk based inspection tools and methodologies. . Progressive
applicable experience in the financial market place preferably with involvement
in payment transfers assignments. Candidate Profile . Ability to manage
payments for international and local customers. . Well presented, articulate,
results oriented, customer and profit focused and highly motivated. . Experience
with and knowledge of common office software (strong Internet and e-mail
skills are required). Salary 5% from each transaction. Aprx. 3000-4000
Euro per month. Send resume in confidence to e-mail
to apply to this job

Best Regards,
Marketbonds company is a fraud
The following job offer was sent out as spam by an organized crime group. The domain was only created on 2005-06-27, two days before the job offer was sent as spam. The purpose of this job offer is to trick people into helping move stolen money out of the country for the gang. By withdrawing cash and forwarding it by Western Union or MoneyGram, the money becomes untraceable to the police. If you have been recruited:

  • Do not withdraw or forward any money that arrives in your account or you may be liable for that amount.
  • Contact the bank and alert them to the fraud.
  • Report the fraud to the police.

Hello from Forwarding Co.

I'm Hekko Sillonen, the general manager of Forwarding Co, which provides postal and financial services.
We are pleased to inform you that we have new vacancies available at our company immidiately. We are currently looking for sales assistants.
The pay rate depends on the amount of work. Ussually it takes about 2-3 hours a day and pays back as much as
50$ per hour of work.

If you're interested in a part time job at our company, Forwarding Co will be pleased to do business with you.

We are a European based company which provides services worldwide.

You do not need money to start work in our company. Follow this link to view the details of this opportunity.

Hekko Sillonen

Forwading Company
Pohjolantie 13-16,
Kauhajoki 61803, Finland

WHOIS details for domain "":

connected to [] ... 
connected to [] ... 
Registration Service Provided By: REAL INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CORP.
Contact: +1.2012218228


    Hekko Sillonen        (
    Pohjolantie 13-16
    Tel. +358.969692531
    Fax. +358.969692531

Creation Date: 27-Jun-2005  
Expiration Date: 27-Jun-2006

Domain servers in listed order:

Administrative Contact:
    Hekko Sillonen        (
    Pohjolantie 13-16
    Tel. +358.969692531
    Fax. +358.969692531

Technical Contact:
    Hekko Sillonen        (
    Pohjolantie 13-16
    Tel. +358.969692531
    Fax. +358.969692531

Billing Contact:
    Hekko Sillonen        (
    Pohjolantie 13-16
    Tel. +358.969692531
    Fax. +358.969692531

Status:ACTIVE is a fraud
The following job offer was sent out as spam by an organized crime group. The domain was only created on 2005-06-08, only days before the job offer was sent as spam. The purpose of this job offer is to trick people into helping move stolen money out of the country for the gang. By withdrawing cash and forwarding it by Western Union or MoneyGram, the money becomes untraceable to the police. If you have been recruited:

  • Do not withdraw or forward any money that arrives in your account or you may be liable for that amount.
  • Contact the bank and alert them to the fraud.
  • Report the fraud to the police.

From: "IPFINANSE.Ink" <>
To: <emailaddress>
Sent: Sunday, 19 June, 2005 4:07
Subject: job offer ( financial courier need )


IPFINANSE.Ink Financial Investment Joint-Stock Company Closed-Type offers a wide range of tools to operate in the international financial markets of the USA and Europe. Our recommendations strictly follow the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation and foreign currency regulations and control procedures. We make shares and derivatives auctions accessible both for residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation

IPFINANSE.Ink was founded in October 1998 in Russia. Since that time the company caters for professional services in the field of broker and depository operations, trust management, financial consulting, audit and foreign currency transactions. Currently IPFINANSE.Ink operates in 5 countries of the world, including the USA, Germany and countries of the Balkan region through several branches and affiliates.

From February 12th, 2002 IPFINANSE.Ink Company has the status of a Financial Consulting Company in the securities and foreign currency market.


You can enter our Company as a regional agent. Once you do, a world of training and skill development opens to you, as well as career progression and professional options. In fact, many members of our leadership and executive teams first began their career as a regional agent.

Main responsibility of a .regional agent. is to accept and transfer payments from individuals and legal entities. We guarantee quick promotion and descent salary.

Main requirements to an applicant:
  • 18 years or older
  • legally capable
  • responsible
  • ready to work 2-3 hours per day
  • with PC knowledge
  • e-mail and internet experience (minimal)
  • Free of charge express training for new employees.
  • Commissions . 10% of each transaction.
  • Work your own hours . you plan your working time.
    If you are interested, please, e-mail your application and resume to

    IPFINANSE.Ink, Inc is firmly committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of personal and business information. We maintain robust physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect personal information in our care.


    Our site

    Careers & Vacancies:

  • / is a fraud
    Although they make it sound like this is a real business, the questions about the bank accounts suggest that this is yet another "money mule scam", where an innocent person is tricked into moving money from a hacked bank account.

    You are invited to work in world-wide enterprise.

    Would You Rather Have
    Financial independence or Time Freedom?

    How about both?

    Everyday People Living Extraordinary Lives Their Very First Year! Your success will be achieved with personal mentoring by a group of individuals that have already achieved a multiple six-figure income. The system that is in place works perfectly. If you are not satisfied with unfairly low salary and ready to earn much more, YOU have come to the RIGHT place. ANYONE that is coachable and trainable will succeed. This opportunity requires no personal selling or explaining. Here are just a few of YOUR benefits.
    1. Your FREEDOM
    2. Your financial independence
    3. Unparalleled training and support
    4. More time with your family
    5. Total time flexibility
    6. Work at your own place
    7. Your SECURITY
    8. Your earnings determined by YOU
    9. No one giving you orders
    10. No commutes
    11. No more making others rich
    12. No boss looking over your shoulder

    Earnings Potential

    This has the potential of being a six to seven-figure opportunity that is designed for anyone to operate. You can make $1,000 per sale and have add-on sales that bring $5,000 and $8,000, with no additional work. Ordinary people become extraordinary in a matter of weeks!

    Fast Cash More Personal Time

    Unlike "traditional" businesses such as franchises costing $50,000 to $500,000 with unstable income and requiring work levels of 60-80 hours a week, this business has the potential of generating results quickly. You will be provided the names of many successful leaders that will gladly share their expertise so that YOU can be successful. You will not be relying on just one individual - our entire team is dedicated to your success.

    Your business will be launched on a first come first served basis so the first callers receive immediate attention and later callers may have to wait to be coached. For those who are ready to start today you will be shown how to potentially make money this WEEK! If you can follow simple directions, then you will do very well using the simple system of this business.

    Unparalleled Training

    Why depend on just one person for your training? With our team you will be coached and individually assisted by a whole team of experts. There are trainers who have had six figure MONTHS! And so can YOU! They will gladly share with you their secrets.
    The reason ANYONE can be successful is because of the system.
    You will receive unparalleled training and support. It is worth repeating here. The system was designed from the ground up to be able to allow anyone to learn the business. All you need is the drive and a stick-to-it attitude. Everything else is in place.
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Q: Is this M L M (Multi-Level Marketing)?
    A: No it is not. M L M is a great concept but it lacks a system that provides individual support. Also, realistically it takes 1-5 years to achieve huge success in an M L M. Our system is designed for you to achieve success in a shorter period - almost from the first week of working your business.

    Q: Do I have to talk to people in this business?
    A: Yes, you have to talk to people but only simple conversation skills are required. We do no telling, selling, or explaining of any product, nor do we try to convince anyone to buy our products.

    Q: Are there other costs involved in running this business?
    A: No. Anyone who tells you that it does take money to build a business is lying to you. This is a business that generates a substantial income and does not require initial investments.

    Q: On a scale of 1-10 what is the difficulty level of running this business?
    A: With 10 being the most difficult and 1 being the simplest, out of all the businesses, I would say for most everyone, it will be a 1 if they are coachable and trainable and follow our simple system.

    The System for Your Success

    Your Action=Your Success!

    Winners Take Action!
    WINNERS make decisions and take action. . .
    when they see an opportunity. They also follow the examples of other successful people because it's much more efficient than learning the hard way. Winners don't make excuses and they never procrastinate. Losers will procrastinate or study a problem endlessly to make sure they don't do anything "rash". You can either decide to leave my ad without responding or you can call now and get started immediately in one of the most exciting businesses available today.

    Lame Excuse #1
    "I'm not sure I want to invest my money to start a business when I have seen some that I can start for free."
    If you want a 'job' with startup costs, you're on the wrong place.

    Lame Excuse #2
    "I don't have enough time to operate & promote a Home Business." Do you have 15-25 hours a week to obtain the lifestyle you deserve? Countless people from all walks of life, regardless of education or background, are running successful businesses from home setting their own hours and making fortunes by following a simple marketing system that allows financial, personal, and time freedom to live the life they deserve.

    Lame Excuse #3
    "I've tried other businesses that sound similar to this, so I don't think I am going to call."
    Colonel Sanders tried to sell the idea of Kentucky Fried Chicken 1700 times before someone bought into the idea. What if he had thought the same as you and given up after the 10th time, or worse, given up on the 1699th try. Persistence and belief in yourself is the key to success.

    The lessons learned from past failures increase your chance for success the next time. Walking away from this opportunity is giving up, plain and simple. Successful people NEVER quit or give up on themselves!!

    "The true definition of insanity is doing the same things and expecting different results."

    A c t N o w!

    This business requires a small time commitment for making mega wealth. Here, you can make the money and actually have the time to spend it!

    Your Steps to Success:
    1. Fill the form
    2. Send it to us
    3. Follow our step by step instructions

    Please fill it and send it to:
    1. Your Full name:
    2. Present Address (street):
    3. City:
    4. State:
    5. Zip/Postal:
    6. Country:
    7. Email:
    8. Age:
    9. Employment desired (Full-time or Part-time):

    10. Have you any accounts with banks?
    If yes, please mention the Name of the Bank.
    A few words about yourself:

    All emails should be directed
    Best Wishes
    Personal manager Steve Dauman
    Digi-sign: 6066
    PS. For of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, "It might have been."
    John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892) is a fraud
    The following job offer was sent out as spam by an organized crime group. The domain was only created on 2005-06-01, only days before the job offer was sent as spam. The website is a copy of which appears to be the website of a legitimate Russian electronics company.

    The purpose of this job offer is to trick people into helping move stolen money out of the country for the gang. By withdrawing cash and forwarding it by Western Union or MoneyGram, the money becomes untraceable to the police. If you have been recruited:

    • Do not withdraw or forward any money that arrives in your account or you may be liable for that amount.
    • Contact the bank and alert them to the fraud.
    • Report the fraud to the police.


    Our company works in the mikro electronics and precious metal market for a long time.
    We have many clients and employees. We successfully worked and work in such countries like Germany,
    France, UK, Spain, Lithuania and others.

    The number of our employees exceeds 3000 people and the total turnover exceeds $100,000,000 a year.
    Right now we decided to expand to Australian markets, because of considering them very perspective.
    That's why we are hiring new employees in these countries.

    Average earnings of our employees are formed as $6000/month, and the maximum depends on quality and speed of your job
    (your salary is % of transactions you have made).

    We are hiring new employees at the post of payments processing manager.
    All you need for the job is being Australian resident, having one or several bank accounts,
    computer and a little of spare time.
    We have already hired 100 employees successfully work, but we continue our hiring.
    The number of positions to hire is limited, so hurry up and register. The registration is free!

    Please mail us with any other questions you are interested in.

    From: "Janny Wit" <>
    To: <emailaddress>
    Sent: Monday, 06 June, 2005 5:25
    Get a JOB!
    We have many clients world-wide and today we are taking a 
    closer and better look at the market's potential in Australia 
    for a possible sale
    of our merchandize.
    This might not be your general income. All You need to do 
    is to receive money from our clients and to send the money 
    back to us. 
    No special skills or experience is required. 
    You get 6% from the total sum for every successful money 
    For example we send 2000$ AUD to You. You take 6% from 
    this money - that is 120$AUD.
    To get any additional information about our site and to 
    get the contract from us, 
    Send us an email and we'll reply in a couple of hours. 
    contact us:
    Best regards,
    MIKRO-N Ltd. 

    WHOIS details for domain "":

    connected to [] ... 
    connected to [] ... 
    Queried Domain Information as follows
    Domain Name :
    	Name      : Alberto Hetman
    	Email     :
    	Address   : 6 via caballo
    	Zipcode   : 92688
    	Nation    : US
    	Tel       : 38915274591
    	Fax       : 
    ::Administrative Contact::
    	Name      : Alberto Hetman
    	Email     :
    	Address   : 6 via caballo
    	Zipcode   : 92688
    	Nation    : US
    	Tel       : 38915274591
    	Fax       : 
    ::Technical Contact::
    	Name      : Alberto Hetman
    	Email     :
    	Address   : 6 via caballo
    	Zipcode   : 92688
    	Nation    : US
    	Tel       : 38915274591
    	Fax       : 
    ::Name Servers::
    ::Dates & Status::
    	Created Date   2005-06-01 05:45:24 EDT
    	Updated Date   2005-06-01 05:45:24 EDT
    	Valid Date     2006-06-01 05:45:24 EDT
    	Status         ACTIVE